Monday Impeachment Gatherings in front of Arizona CD 8 Offices
Mondays from 4-6pm
Gathering at the SW Corner of Pima & Swan(Adjacent to CD 8 Congressional Office)
The ad hoc group of non-aligned pro-constitution, anti-monarchy advocates will continue demonstrating outside of Congresswoman Giffords' office on Mondays from 4pm to 6pm. Make a sign that speaks your message to Gabby, or just show up, since we've got plenty of pointed, but polite signs to display. ("Honk to Impeach" and "Support H Res 799 - Call Gabby at 881-3588" are two pretty good ones.) If you wish, you may drop in to her office before 5pm and ask a staffer to take a personal message. It will be filled out for you, as you dictate it. Stay for an hour or just awhile. It's good for the soul....
More info on impeachment?
by DFA-TUCSON on Sunday, January 20, 2008

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